
Monday, August 25, 2014

Family is Family

Something that happens in a lot of Families: When certain relatives are going through hard times they reach out to the ones doing good for themselves. But they don't answer the calls. That's unfortunate but that's how it happens some times. The ones doing ok don't want to lift a finger to help the ones that just got kicked out into the streets because they could barely afford to pay their rent/bills/for groceries etc. So they forget about each other for a while. While the ones struggling are going through the system trying to find a decent homeless shelter, the others are home snuggled up in their bed. Not worrying about no one else. Not even the Relatives that are struggling. Cause they gotta pay their own bills right?
Well one day when the Family that was doing really bad begins to come up and out from the dark and into the light...are finally able to do ok for themselves. They can finally afford a new place with more affordable rent/bills/groceries etc.
Both sides of the 'Family' have forgotten about each other.

One day the side of the Family; that has always done 'Good' for themselves go through a terrible time. They lose their home and can't afford their payments any more. They get kicked out into the streets with nothing but the clothing on their back and their I.D's.
Now all of a sudden they are reaching out to the relatives they turned their back on.
And guess what
They let them stay at their place because they know what it's like to get turned down by the side of the Family that's been doing good for themselves. And wouldn't wish that pain on anyone.

Moral of this story: Just cause you think you're better and just cause the Grass looks greener doesn't mean it will always stay that way.
Certain circumstances out of your control can change things at the drop of a dime.
Don't ever forget that Family, regardless of how good or bad things are, are still supposed to be there for one another.
Love, light and Blessings

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