
Saturday, August 30, 2014

One Sided Love

I've got to break away
From this mental prison I put m myself in every day
The fact that I'm on one side of the door
and you're on the other
We never meet face to face
We keep our books shut
Wondering what's under the cover
We may try to skim and peak though the pages
Not anticipating anything good
But if we continue skimming and skipping and delaying
Will this become more than it should?
The fact that you hide away.

From me and the World.
When all I wanna do is show you some love
But you can't seem to accept that what's right in front of you
may be sent from up above
I try and I try to wait you out
hoping you'll come to your senses.
So tired of meaningless short talks
and bull**t romances
There is just too much doubt
Will you ever really be accepting?
We can't keep doing what we've been doing

and expect a better outcome
So let's just make this short and sweet
That way a good thing doesn't get ruined

This World O Mine

I can't stand
looking at Brother Man
he doesn't just exist
He has a knack for taking
lives into his own hands
Without a second thought
so quick to pull that trigger
because he says:
This World would be a better place with
one less *****r
A word used way too often
Not another description
a prescription for disaster.
Growing up as a little Kid
the word ran rampant
like a swarm
Still does
Cause the Parent's who raise these kids
Just don't give a dam..........
It's a shame
What's all the buzz?
How quick people are to judge
A book by a cover
Cause a Man decided to make a Woman into a Mother
before he considered making her his wife
Stop playing the blame game
Cause a Man with a certain disposition
didn't fit your description
.....of having a good reputation.
So you decided to take his life?
So when we all have the time
we should use our wisdom and knowledge
To get together and rally for Peace
If not for ourselves then
for the lives that came from our seeds.
Give them the courage they need 2 live life
full and free of fear
This is what's going on in
This World O Mine
Not worrying about what you have
Not worrying about what I will have
But appreciating all that I have here.


Monday, August 25, 2014

Family is Family

Something that happens in a lot of Families: When certain relatives are going through hard times they reach out to the ones doing good for themselves. But they don't answer the calls. That's unfortunate but that's how it happens some times. The ones doing ok don't want to lift a finger to help the ones that just got kicked out into the streets because they could barely afford to pay their rent/bills/for groceries etc. So they forget about each other for a while. While the ones struggling are going through the system trying to find a decent homeless shelter, the others are home snuggled up in their bed. Not worrying about no one else. Not even the Relatives that are struggling. Cause they gotta pay their own bills right?
Well one day when the Family that was doing really bad begins to come up and out from the dark and into the light...are finally able to do ok for themselves. They can finally afford a new place with more affordable rent/bills/groceries etc.
Both sides of the 'Family' have forgotten about each other.

One day the side of the Family; that has always done 'Good' for themselves go through a terrible time. They lose their home and can't afford their payments any more. They get kicked out into the streets with nothing but the clothing on their back and their I.D's.
Now all of a sudden they are reaching out to the relatives they turned their back on.
And guess what
They let them stay at their place because they know what it's like to get turned down by the side of the Family that's been doing good for themselves. And wouldn't wish that pain on anyone.

Moral of this story: Just cause you think you're better and just cause the Grass looks greener doesn't mean it will always stay that way.
Certain circumstances out of your control can change things at the drop of a dime.
Don't ever forget that Family, regardless of how good or bad things are, are still supposed to be there for one another.
Love, light and Blessings

Friday, August 22, 2014

Working on new Content

I deleted all of the old blog posts to make room for something new.
I will be focusing on Health.
Not just physical but Spiritual and Emotional health.
I am not ever going to try to claim that I know it all. 
Of course I don't
But, I will share information based on my own personal experiences and findings.
I will never condone the use of anything that could harm.
Quite the contrary
Instead I will focus on natural and holistic practices that have worked for me. And friends that have had similar experiences to me.
Til then I am still working on my page template/background images etc.